Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Paria Pics

I'm sharing some photos here from our eight-hour Paria hike. 
It was really too beautiful not to share.


Thursday, April 19, 2012

Among the Fallen Things

Among the Fallen Things
Acrylic, Watercolour Ink, and collage
(tissue, wrappers, and material gathered from coconut and banana trees.)
Available for purchase

Sunday, April 15, 2012

April thoughts

I draw and write, really, because I have to. There is no other way. I've always been a difficult person to most people, this is no secret. I've heard people describe me as strange (or worse) so often growing up that I've just learned to be quiet. My thought processes are hard to follow, I am erratic, jump to conclusions too quickly, am traumatized by large gatherings. Creating art feels like slipping out of my body and singing, feels like freedom... especially now, as I'm learning to be creatively honest. Many times, when re-reading my poetry or looking at a piece, I have this eerie sensation of confronting my own gaze, a doubleness that I wrote about earlier on when I dabbled in portraiture. But this is different: there is an innerness to it, an intimacy. It startles me, that I have grown bold enough to allow my inner self to walk out in the world in this way. But there is no other way. Every time someone tells me he or she loves my work, or is inspired by it, I am utterly awed. It's magical. It's as though I'm saying something to someone without speaking at all, something true, unbounded and meaningful. My twentysomething year fight-up with conversation skills takes on new meaning. Chances are I'm never going to acquire any at this age anyway. It makes me me.

Love and Blessings,

"Winged and Unfamiliar" Watercolour, Ink and Collage. 
(piece available for purchase)

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Poets of the Caribbean: Interview With Danielle Boodoo-Fortune

Poets of the Caribbean blog has feature me as its April poet. This is so humbling and exciting, because April is Poetry Month. :) The link to an interview is below. Feel free to follow the blog as well!


Poets of the Caribbean: Danielle Boodoo-Fortune: Poet and Artist, Danielle Boodoo-Fortune I am excited to share with you an interview with April's poet, Danielle Boodoo-Fortune....

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Urban Heartbeat

East Wall of the Grand Stand, Queen's Park Savannah, Port of Spain.

from start to finish:)

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Littles, Update

I'm kinda feeling out the parameters of the Little series, and it's even lovelier and more exciting than I'd hoped it'd be. The first fifteen people to respond to my Facebook post on the project will be receiving a little postcard-sized watercolour and ink, either via mail or in person. I'm hoping to mail out the first five next week. The idea for this came to me when a friend said to me that she'd love to have a piece of my art, but wasn't sure if she'd be able to afford it. I started thinking about the exclusivity associated with purchasing art, and how this limits access to it. I just wanted to share these with a cross-section of friends and family; those who follow my progress and offer kind, supportive words along the way. These are a few initial pics of the project. It really is, at its heart, a gesture of gratitude, for the love of what I do.


Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Little Things

I'm working on a series of little, postcard-sized watercolour, ink and collage pieces. It's very comforting, in a way, after the scale and the boldness of the mural for the Urban Heartbeat Project. The idea behind this is that I want to share these, send them out into the world, into someone else's hands and home. I think they are spirited little things, and that they bring lovely energy with them. I'm not selling these, I just want to give them away:) If you're interested in one, email me at dboodoofortune@live.com, or comment below. I will post the photos of all when they're done.
