Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Four Faces

Something bright for a rainy day:)

I started working on a series of small pieces, each one about the size of a paperback novel. I wanted these to be bright and eye-catching little pieces with interesting details. There are four so far... hoping to add a few more to the collection soon.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

One Little Detail...

The razor in hand is a small detail, and is easy to miss. And it does seem like a pretty, fairly simple piece. But there is the cutting of the hair, which can be read in so many different ways. I wanted to leave it wide open. 

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Playing With Thread, Part 2

So this is part two of my thread-playing series...( I really do need to find a more appropriate name than that! :P )

In this piece she is bound by thread in a way that might seem beautiful. Making this, the repetitive winding and layering of embroidery thread was particularly interesting. The tangling of the strung beads around her neck was added afterwards.

More to come...


Thursday, October 6, 2011

Not-so-still life

Just a fun post: :D... Was doing some practice with watercolour in still life, and Gigi insisted on getting in on it. She even tried to climb up onto the paper. I think some water was spilled on the rug too. The end product is below, unfortunately I didn't paint the live model into it. But Gigi still gets her 15 mins of fame. :)

Dryad in Stages

 I like taking pics of my pieces while in progress. Mostly it's just an odd quirk, but it does give me perspective. I've been going through my files, and realize that there are a lot of progress shots in there. I think they're fun, and exciting. To see something becoming is always remarkable. I've added a few here.

1) Dryad. The pencil/ pen/ marker framework is already in place here. Starting to work on the shading of the face. Love this stage, when the faces come into themselves.

 2) Most of the face and body is done in the second image. The skin on this one involved a lot of different textures and strokes. I'd just started the hair as well. 

3) And the final thing:)

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Alma and the Wind

This is my newest painting, done in acrylic. It was one of those things that just wasn't thought out at all. There was just the hunger for strong, sweeping, satisfying lines. The end result is Alma and the Wind, and it's one of my favourite pieces I've done.

30 x 12", acrylic